Saturday 26 August 2017

Answers to last week's quiz - 18th August 2017

The Flower Garden

Question 1

The half-hardy Argyranthemum frutescens is more generally known as White Marguerite, but what colour is the bushy, tender perennial Felicia amelloides, which is sometimes also called a marguerite?

Answer:  Blue


Question 2

Is Clematis recta a herbasceous species, best planted in the border, or a climber?

Answer:  Herbaceous


Question 3

What name do gardeners give to a young plant soon after seed germination when it has just a single unbranched stem?

Answer:  Seedling



The Autumn crocus does not in fact belong to the Crocus genus, from which it differs in that its corm is oval in shape and not flat or round.  What is the botanical name of the Autumn crocus?

Answer:  Colchicum


Question 5

The rock garden plant Lewisia cotyledon, which produces white-veined, pink flowers in May or June, sheds its rosette of leaves around October or November.  True or false?

False, it is evergreen

I wonder how many you got right?

Friday 18 August 2017

Time for a Garden Quiz

The Flower Garden

Question 1
The half-hardy Argyranthemum frutescens is more generally known as White Marguerite, but what colour is the bushy, tender perennial Felicia amelloides, which is sometimes also called a marguerite?

Question 2
Is Clematis recta a herbasceous species, best planted in the border, or a climber?

Question 3
What name do gardeners give to a young plant soon after seed germination when it has just a single unbranched stem?

Question 4
The Autumn crocus does not in fact belong to the Crocus genus, from which it differs in that its corm is oval in shape and not flat or round.  What is the botanical name of the Autumn crocus?

Question 5
The rock garden plant Lewisia cotyledon, which produces white-veined, pink flowers in May or June, sheds its rosette of leaves around October or November.  True or false?

Me in my own garden :)

With thanks to Geoff Hamilton's 'Gardener's Challenge' book.

Answers next week!

Friday 23 June 2017

Summer in my English Garden

June is the time for roses and this year has been especially good for roses in my garden.  Sadly I can't remember all the names, but you know what they say 'a rose by any other name would smell as sweet' so I'll just leave you with the pictures and you can name them yourself, as I did.

I would call the first one 'Maiden's blush'

and the second one 'Fire of London'

no. 3 I would call 'Snow on the mountain'

and no. 4 'Amongst the buttercups'

No. 5 would be 'Folded tissue paper'

and No. 6 I would call 'Strawberry sherbert'

Would you like to have a go? Tell me what you would call them?

We need some rain. I have been out watering every other day for a week or two and the plants needed it because it has been hot, hot, hot. Thankfully today, we have cooler weather but there are thunder-storms about for the next few days.

With luck we shall have fresh peas for dinner on Sunday - the first of the crop. I can't wait!

I hope everything in your garden is growing well?

Thursday 13 April 2017

Spring has arrived in my garden - at last!

It's so nice to have a lovely sunny day after the long winter and the flowers in my garden thought so too!

It will be Easter very soon and there will be other jobs to do as well as gardening, like making some of these:

and visiting the bluebell wood.

Whatever you are doing, enjoy your time with family and friends.

Happy Easter!