Tuesday 14 June 2016

In the vegetable garden - June 13th 2016

In the vegetable patch we are growing peas. They have only just flowered because the weather here in England, has been quite rainy lately.

We are also growing spinach and have already cropped quite a lot of it.

I have over planted the new raised bed because I doubted that everything would come up. I was wrong! Ever seed I planted came up. Here you see beetroot being squashed against the carrots.

Millie is my cat. She is ten years old and not very interested in gardening. She helps where she can.

The big, red, oriental poppies have started flowering. These showy plants bring tongues of fire to the flower garden.

These slugs are not my friends, but everything has its place in my garden and somewhere there is a large toad with a big appetite.

This is a new blog. If you view my pages, please leave a comment so I know who you are and can return the visit.

Happy Gardening!


  1. Oh, I love your new blog! And I envy you the peas -- I have no luck growing peas -- too hot or too wet or the voles eat them. Or the rabbits.

  2. Thank you Vicki. It's so strange! My other blogs are not visible to me on the computer anymore, only on my Ipad and on my Ipad I can only see the older blogs, not this one. I wrote to Blogger, but I have had no reply and when I looked on the forums, it seems that lots of other people are having the same problems! Maybe it will sort itself out soon. Additionally, because I am on Google +, it seems that only people who are on Google+ can comment! Odd!
